Case Results

Curran Legal Services Group served as developer's counsel during the conveyance, financing, design and construction of a four-building portfolio of office buildings leased by the Federal Government, representing over 880,500 square feet, and valued at $500 million.

My firm provided development representation for owner's with long term federal tenants in Portland, Oregon; Boston, Massachusetts; San Diego, California; St. Louis, Missouri, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Cincinnati, Ohio; and numerous other locations in the southeast, including recent work with owners in Georgia, Florida and Alabama.

Curran Legal represented the largest individual office space owner in downtown Atlanta in a bid protest at the U.S. Government Accountability Office for leased space offered to house the Federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

My firm successfully represented a client who brought action against the Government for recovery of added performance costs arising from constructive changes in service contracts before the U.S. Court of Federal Claims.

Effective and experienced in mediation before Administrative Law Judges at the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals for numerous lessor clients requiring relief from Government imposed delays, changes and other causes that increase construction costs or costs of performing a long term lease obligation to the Government.